Recently I mentioned a salad that seems to be my standard summer fare in variations, but here's the basic contents:
Fresh Fennel
Non-F-Word ingredients are red onion, cucumber, a can of garbanzo beans, and a warm hard-boiled egg. It gets a good squeeze of fresh lemon, some olive oil, and S&P.

The wine was really lovely, in a summer-fruity kind of way. The previous wine (August 1) was like shaker furniture - which I love - this one was more like that Ernest Quost painting in the Musee D'Orsay, you know the one. My only regret is I while the F-Bomb Salad is indeed the bomb, I sort of got the feeling the wine could have been better challenged, better utilized - a nice piece of grilled salmon on top and dressed in a lemon-mustard-dill-garlic-olive oil drizzle.
Here's the painting.