Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"I'm not drinking my wine fast enough."

This is the comment I most hear from the people who cellar here. Unlike collecting stamps, coins or beanie babies, wine, sadly, has days that are numbered. There are a few ways this can be remedied, all in the works and seeking input from those who matter: you.

Many reams of red tape plus licences, fees, insurances, and more are required to become a wine storage facility that is legal to also sell through. The goal is to be able to offer this service in the least expensive and easiest manner. There are a few options being investigated, like piggy-backing with a wine storage facility that already does this. We can also establish an account through which anyone can then sell their wine with, say,, a $2,500 minimum that then allows single bottles to be sold here and there through their monthly auctions .

As we continue to look at all this, I can offer a more immediate option/resolution: while we have people who aren't drinking their wine fast enough, we also have people who are interested in that wine. The Cave is not licensed for sales on the premises, but we certainly can amass and offer for perusal any lists of wines available, leaving the details of trade up to those interested.

Not drinking your wine fast enough? Leave the list with me and I will make it available.