People depart. They depart The Cave, they depart California, they depart the country and eventually they depart earth altogether, at least in the form they'd previously occupied it. And, by nature of departure, things get left behind.
This is more prevalent in the hotel than here in the Cave, and it is not unusual to encounter, while passing through the lobby up there, bits of an apartment left behind for the offering, but mostly humorous, random things.
The Cave's memories are much more interesting, indicative of the taste of those generating them, I like to think. Recently I came across this (sadly) empty bottle of 1989 Chateau Montrose St. Estephe. It was purchased for $27.99. Today the average price for it is $349.
This was also in there. Rusted caps, half-filled bottles. That Pepsi bottle from the 'forties, maybe? Think I could make a few bucks on the side selling that Corona to one of my beer guys? (Me neither...)