shocking news of the week: Hostess has filed for bankruptcy protection, a looming farewell for the Ding Dong, the Ho Ho, and Wonder Bread, all items that could survive a nuclear catastrophe completely intact but are yummy nonetheless.
Also to possibly leave us: the iconic Twinkie. Or will it?

Never an off position on the genius switch, I smelled opportunity: I could buy all the Twinkies on earth, hold onto to them for a hundred years, and then sell them on e-bay for a million dollars a Twink.
Forget that I'll be a hundred and f-f-f---ummm - well over a hundred, and that there will be no e-bay, that a million dollars then will be what fifty cents is now, and that, despite popular myth, the shelf-life of a Twinkie is really only a few they insist. It's otherwise foolproof.
A Twinkie has in it four different sugars - sugar, dextrose, corn syrup, and high-fructose corn syrup, all finely blended like a hot Zin, mixed-matched-tasted-balanced in the chemical labratories of Hostess for that perfect Twinkie je ne sais quoi. Sigh, It is a sad day indeed.

So today we toast the Twinkie! And probably all weekend and probably as long as those packages remain sealed. Come on in for a HoHo, a Ding Dong, so thoughtfully paired with Murphy's Stout, Remarkably unremarkable, it goes well with extinct snack foods.