Endeavour Fever gripped SoCal, and rightfully so. By noon you could look over any local town and see this - crowds of people sprinkled along rooftops, hilltops, or any open space to catch a glimpse of this amazing sight.
The shuttle was scheduled to fly over Griffith Park and JPL, two points on either side of Glendale, so chances were we'd get a pretty good view of things.
It did not disappoint, flying over and around Glendale about three times. You couldn't take your eyes off this beautiful, amazing, graceful thing.
...except I was so eager to get up to the roof I dropped my brand new, super-duper, ultra zoom camera onto a very hard surface. So now we have THE event of a lifetime, a camera that was made for it, and I got...Bigfoot.
So cheers to you, the roof of The Hotel Glendale. Today you scored...one. (But it was a good one.)