Friday, October 12, 2012

Why I like my job today, reason 1.

I was tired, I'd slept not at all well (as I am so prone), and it was (my) Monday morning.  I was miserable.

Also I had told V. I'd build her new locker out for her, it was my goal of the day, but now that I'd woken up miserable I decided I needed a new plan: maybe if I willed it and stayed really quiet no one would notice I was here.  All I'd have to do is stay awake, remain gleefully miserable, get out of The Cave, go home, watch some stupid TV and go to bed early.  Perfect!

And be responsible and build the locker.  Okay, fine.

I mean it was Wednesday, how busy could it possibly be? 

Then J. called and said, Could you come down a little early today?  

Soon after A. also came in. While he talked to me I was desperately trying to keep my eyes unglued, they were that tired. 

M. emailed that she might come by on unfinished business, and I emailed back what I'd hoped were reasons of gentle dissuasion. It didn't work.

I got little - to - nothing done on the locker.

Towards closing, M. showed up and then so did J. and then they decided to make coffee and then spend a lot of time drinking it. Social Butterfly Troglodyte that I am, I took this as an opportunity to do some work on the locker. 

The other M. texted me to see if he could come in at midnight. Of course!

M. and J. drank coffee for so long I was able to evolve my plan of the day: the first stupid TV show was a wash, but there was the second one that isn't stupid and that I enjoy so I'll just do that.

An hour later I evolved my plan of the day.

An hour later I evolved my plan of the day.

Okay, it's 9:45 and I'm finally home and I eat some (really good) black beans and veggies and have an apple and a cup of coffee and catch the last 15 minutes of said show, the second one.  At 10:15 pm I am here in The Cave.  It is awesome.  With the doors locked and no worries of people wandering in while I'm otherwise occupied I can get to work on that locker. It's dark and spooky and I keep thinking I see ghosts. I hear odd noises.  It's great!  I work on the locker for about two hours.  Just as I'm finishing, perfect timing, the other M. texts me that he's on his way.  He gets here 12:30 a.m. and I finish sweeping sawdust.

The other M. is here a little longer than usual.  At 1:30 a.m. I am back in my apartment. I think some vodka might be nice.  I was right!  Around 2:30 I make some eggs, and it beautiful and dark and quiet.  At 3a.m. I finally go to bed.  I sleep like a little baby and wake up happy and relaxed and thinking, wow, what a great day yesterday was!