The wine. This is a 2012 Picpoul de Pinet, and I knew it would be the right wine with the meal. I knew this because I know nothing about wine, have never heard of this.
The meal. Lettuce wraps, but with many possible combinations. Whole Foods cooked for me the fish -salmon, snapper, and shrimp. Also: sausage, eggs, anchovies, prosciutto, mushrooms, pea sprouts, avocado, blue cheese, cucumber, radishes, and lime, hummus, and a mayo I make with dill, curry, and mustard. And lettuce. More or less.

Sausage, egg with anchovy and blue cheese.
Egg with anchovy on hummus.
Hummus, sauteed mushrooms, and shrimp wrapped in prosciutto.
Middle: pea/mint pesto, sauteed mushrooms, snapper.
Front left: pea shoots, hummus, prosciutto-wrapped shrimp, radish.
Lastly, pea shoots, hummus, salmon.
This is only a sampling of the many combinations. It was a great meal and that kind gentleman was right, the wine was PERFECT. Good acidity to cut through the salmon and sausage, nice brightness, it couldn't have been better.
What a great way to finish summer and think dreamily about the hibernation to come.