Dr. Vinny explains the field blend as "more than one grape variety planted together in the same vineyard. Field blends happen all over the world, though they're now rare. In the past, before folks fretted about varietals or clones, they just planted different grapes in their vineyard as an inexpensive (yet limiting) way to blend wines. All the grapes are harvested at the same time and fermented together—a true field blend doesn't separate by varietals at harvest; the 'blend' is whatever Nature gives that vintage."
Sooo my style. No intervention, let nature take its course. The wine is all you really want out of a wine, easy and good. Also it was the first wine I've ever tasted that was vegetal. Like you could taste the green stems or something, but not at the expense of anything else, it was just there as another very agreeable component. Green label, unrestrained fields, 12.5% ABV - a very lovely, summer friendly wine.
Look: CHUNKS! Dessert!
Also sampled was this 2010 Abyss. Though I've had this before, T. was curious how this 2010 was drinking now. I was like, well, YOU could open it and find out. But noooooo. So I opened it one recent weekend and it was drinking deliciously. It poured still alive, it was beautifully resolved, there was nothing that could be said against it.
Also, the label doesn't really have bats on it, I added those, it seemed like it needed them. And the first three notes of Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor.
There is this thing that may happen Sunday, and that's r a i n, with a 20 degree temperature difference between tomorrow and Sunday. If it's real, it will only last two days, and then it's back into eternal sunshine and warm temps. With glee I am thinking about what wine to open tonight. What a pleasurable action, to open a locker, to see what's there, what you forgot you had, the events the food the weather of the weekend in your head meeting in that moment with just the right bottle to pair with it. Happy Friday.