Friday, January 8, 2010

...and then reality set in.

So I was getting dressed the other day and the crow bar I'd recently adopted to get into my jeans broke -*snapped* - just like that. Seems the debauchery of the holidays in conjunction with any discernible exercise whatsoever finally caught up with me, go figure. In response I'm forfeiting alcohol, among other things, for a bit of time to jump start a return to sanity (sigh, wretched sanity).

Finding a comprehensive and user friendly calorie chart for beer, alcohol and wine was the only task that proved more daunting. I settled on this one for wine, and this one looks pretty good for distilled spirits. This one seems pretty good for beer, though the advertisement at the top is unfortunate.

My goal is for April Fool's Day; hopefully the joke won't be on me.