So here's what happened with that.
Izzy, the gentleman in this picture stolen from the LA Times and featured in that article, wandered into The Cave a bit back looking for a locker. I didn't recognize him all vertical like he was, but when I started talking about the article he very casually clued me in to my oversight, that a virtual star was among us. Very Cool.
Izzy brought with him some good energy, because it seems like on that one weekend I rented lockers out to three new beer people and they did not know each other. New energy, nice kids, happy to have them here. We have about half a dozen beer collectors here now, some young, some older; it's a nice mix.
My tenure here is coming up on two years, and aside from the occasional descaling I need to undergo, life as a troglodyte is good. When I first took the job I was in DTLA and someone told me I should go talk to Adam the Wine Guy just around the corner. So I did. At the time Adam was cellaring in LA proper. I wanted Adam because he has a rare, positive, burn-it-to-the-ground and toss-it-to-the-universe energy, and I like his style. Whenever possible, Cave's should have good energy; the bats appreciate it. It was a good day when he joined us.
Recently, Adam was featured in LA Weekly's Best of LA issue. Tom Leykis, former shock jock, and Adam host the weekly radio show "The Tasting Room with Tom Leykis" on KGIL 1260 AM, Thursdays @ 8pm.
Hmmm, thought this particular troglodyte, what if....So on Wednesday three of our resident beer-heads, Izzy of course along with Alex and Richard, gathered in Hollywood to tape what I think became three episodes, I was told, what with all the beer flowing. I hear The Cave may have been mentioned a few times, so thank you to Adam for that one.
But no one told me the first of the three shows aired this past Thursday (locally, over the weekend elsewhere), so here's the link to it. Tune in Thursdays @ 8 for the next installments.
Aren't Caves fun?