It was very nice to see you. You should come to California more often, though I'm sure Indiana is also nice.
I appreciate your willingness to contribute to the impossible task of my wine education. Every shipment that arrives here for you, you tell me to drink it. Dean, I'm not going to drink your wine, it's your wine. You're not shipping it here for me to drink. I'm completely fine putting your deliveries into your locker for you, it takes, like, a whole minute. Whoo-boy, then I need a little nap and then I'm fresh as a daisy! But it's always a very generous offer.

I had a thing. Once in a while I leave The Cave and tend to the things, and this particular one gave me good opportunity to open both these bottles so I could compare them properly. I liked the Riesling a little better, but maybe because it was more accessible, more obvious and thus easier to like. The other one, (please don't make me type that again), was much dryer and aloof, but a second visit to it revealed hidden nuances that I think I later appreciated.
Then the next night I made this for dinner:

So, Good Dean, my public apology to you. You were right on the mark on this one and in equal and opposite reaction I entirely was not. Good wine though, thank you.
P.S. Max came in last night. He showed me a picture of what he recently had for dinner. (click on to enlarge.) Sort of like what I had but different. My dinner looked less surprised to be there.