Good stuff! Just when I wasn't sure Cabs were my thing, this tall drink of grape walks through my door. With me. I was carrying it, a very generous donation to the cause.
2003 Drinkward Peschon "Entre Deux Meres" Napa Valley Cab. Two beautiful photos from their website.
This paragraph from Polaner Selections.

The wine is made by both Francoise Peschon and Lisa Drinkward. Peschon is also the winemaker at Araujo vineyards in Napa, while Drinkward is the wife of Les Behrens (of Behrens & Hitchcock). In fact, the wine is made at Behrens & Hitchcock on Spring Mountain.
The wine is produced in miniscule quanties, The 2000 vintage was the first they produced, and their Cabernet Sauvignon is the only wine they bottle."
Lots of good pedigree here, and it might explain why I like this cab when I was otherwise losing all cab hope. Not to be sexist about it, but many of the recent cabs I've consumed seem to have a certain muscle-i-ness to them. There's a spiciness to them that seems to obliterate rather that mingle, and if you have a second glass, it almost burns the tongue like cinnamon. It's like being trapped on the elevator with a guy wearing too much cologne, or being at a small party with the one obnoxious guy talking too loud and too long.
Not this stuff, this was a well-curated party: nice, intact tannins and a balanced presence of spice with fruit and other grape-y things. Good party.
Again, not to be sexist about it; we all have our obliterating bits, like how mine right now is hummus. No matter who made that wine, it was a nice wine. Just trying to make a point. And avoid hate mail. Cheers.