This is a picture of me having dinner the other night. You can see the Wally's catalog there awaiting my perusal. Sorry, Wally, the entire ham had priority.
Sated and dreamy, I opened Wally's Wine gift catalogue to see what my dear friends (um...) might be getting me for Christmas. Over 40 pages, they would have a difficult time deciding. Maybe I could help.
Page 14, say, I've heard of this stuff. Let's check that out.
Six bottles of the '09 @ $30,000? $30,000? Wow, that's a LOT of ham! Someone must really like you, or want something from you, to get you that for ANYthing. Might come off a bit showy, better to go with the '08.
Page 18. Ooooh, lots of nice wine in that one, and it's a bargain at only four grand. Robert Parker, Jr. really likes those '09's. And look, you get some caramel popcorn and airplane peanuts with it. I don't know...
Page 19. $10,000? To get bowled over? Dude, seriously, I get bowled over half a sandwich that already has a bite out of it that someone else is too full to finish. PASS!
Mmmmm, cheese. Page 40. Over $400 worth of cheese. That might be more cheese than I eat in a year. That might be more food than I eat in a year. Does anyone need this much cheese? This much anything? Is Christmas, any holiday, love, measured in cheese?
Wally's, et al, is banking on it.