OK that's crazy.
Even crazier was his willingness to part with some of it on my behalf, something I was ambivalent about. Coffee from Hawaii, like, say, Jamaica Blue Mountain - which can run upwards of $70/lb - is often more pomp than circumstance. No one wants to taste bad $50 coffee and have to have that follow-up conversation just like no one wants to open a pricey bottle of wine to realize it's quaff at best.
(That's an inside wink to The Deanster, who's fond of the term 'quaff.')
What I mean is, while Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that grows coffee it is historically unremarkable, and I had ambivalent expectations.
Like wine tastes like wine to me, coffee tastes like coffee, and this was really just a nice, good cup of coffee.
Look! There was enough for a cold brew!
According to Starbucks, one pound of coffee makes 64 5-ounce cups of coffee, an amount of coffee no one actually drinks.
A Starbucks short is 8-ounces, a tall is 12. So, let's call it at 32 10-ounce cups of coffee per pound. That's still only $1.57-per-cup. Coffee this good is certainly worth that. There's lots and lots of places you can get really horrible coffee for way more than that.
Really lovely stuff, thank you, Vahe.