Whew, what a day yesterday! All that rain, I got soaked walking to the Post Office to mail off my taxes. I know, I had a few days to spare, but I'm not a procrastinator.

When I got home
Wally's Spring Newsletter was in my mailbox. Exciting! Last night after work, I made a cup of tea, snuggled under the afghan - it was a chilly one - and perused the offerings for which wine I might spend my lavish refund.
(click on images to enlarge)

Ooh, look at this one on page 11! A 1996 Chateau Latour for only $9, 599.99, down from $11, 999.99, a
steal! Well, it
is a 6L bottle, which is like 8 regular bottles, so that brings it down to only $1, 199.99/bottle. You figure, one bottle for four people. I'd need to know 32 people to drink this thing, 32 people I
like enough to give them a $50.00 glass of wine. Okay, that's out.

This 1945 Chateau Palmer, page 13, looks pretty good at only $5, 599.99. I'd have to like only four people for that one. Still...I'd have to like them $1,399.99-worth. Hmmm...and 1945, that's like really old.
You don't know how bummed I am right now that the wine-ordering scene from Steve Martin's movie, The Jerk, isn't on youtube, so the quote will have to make due (lifted from The Celluloid Pantry):)
"Would Monsieur care for another bottle of the Chateau Latour?" the waiter asks.
"Ah, yes," says Navin suavely, "But no more 1966. Let's splurge. Bring us some
fresh wine. The freshest you've got. This year! No more of this
old stuff."
As for the tax refund...wine spelunking for the 99% will soon tell.