The Deanster.
The Deanster.
The Deanster.
The Deanster:
For some reason I still don't grasp, The Deanster felt the need to order a couple of bottles of wine for me. I say I don't need anymore wine, I already have too much wine, he orders me wine anyway, it goes around like that.
For some reason I still don't grasp, I don't entirely understand Kermit Lynch in so much as I don't entirely understand how the wine business works - laws and titles - but I think I like him. There's some book T. keeps threatening to bring me and from the sound of it I think I might like Mr. Lynch's style. Anyway, from what I gather, the wine he sells is stuff he himself imports. (This article by Lettie Teague helped.)

For dinner Friday - hard to tell, but trust me - under the arugula and persimmon and mustard is some chicken, curried lentils, and red chard and yogurt. And 2010 Kuentz-Bas Riesling. From their website:
"Very aromatic, fresh and dry, its pale robe expresses grapefruit, lime, pineapple, and apple, along with a nice touch of acidity providing much vivacity. As it ages, it will develop honey and quince aromas. Depending on the soil structure on which it grows, it can develop mineral aromas (silex), or orange flavors, and will gain much complexity when cellared."
The wine is low alcohol and organically-biodynamically produced. Also, it is dry and acidic and goes great with spicy food. Last night The Deanster was still lurking around so we went to laugh at Trader Joe's wines, grabbed a bite at Chipotle, came back here, laughed at super-expensive Bordeaux wine, and killed that bottle. The wine with the hot sauce was great.
The other bottle is going to sit for a year or two. I look forward to the acidity loosening up a little bit and allowing for other, more subtle flavors to show themselves.